Thank you for your interest in my sensual massages that get under your skin, that may soon take you away from your everyday life...
Firstly, I would like to introduce myself briefly.
My name is Sussy, I am 44 years old, 1.62 metres tall and have long black hair. I have a figure with feminine curves. I speak German.
Put yourself in my experienced magic hands and enjoy a pleasurable mix of professional application and sensual erotic massage.
I am a trained masseuse who knows what men want. Looking for loving and mature test objects to perfect my techniques. I guarantee a happy ending.
You won't feel any "male" pressure to perform with me, you can just let go and be accepted as you are. Let me seduce you into a dream world of sensual pleasures ... you'll feel like you're in 7th heaven when my tender hands and my petite body touch you in a way that will thrill you in a special way
If you would like to find out more about me and my erotic massages, give me a call:
I look forward to seeing you.
I am very much looking forward to your visit and to the wonderful time together
Price from...
30 min 100chf
60 min 150chf
Twint none but Revolut have
See you soon..kiss
Tel:/WhatsApp also
Daily-9.00 a.m.-to 02.00 a.m.