❤️Miete your room in a central location in 6020 Emmenbrücke Luzern ❤️1 room apartment for only 1100.- 1 week Mon-Sun / 1 month 3800.- ( daily rent 180.- from min.3 days) / 2 room apartment from 1 week 950.- to 1000.- / 1 month from 3200.- / daily rent 150.-( from min.3 days) ❤️ or 3 room flat 1 week 900.- / 1 month 3000.- / daily rent 150.- ( min.3 days) ...near train station/ shopping/ public transport/ Emmen Center/ motorway and much more...good parking possibilities ...
+41 79 832 6004
Address 6020 EmmenbrückeSwitzerland
Offers from Emmenbrücke
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