Escort service for men with class Hello I am Viki, a sexy and funny woman who offers you a very discreet escort service. I will come to you with my car and without a driver. I love sex and enjoy intense kisses and soft games. I am looking forward to you and new sexual adventures. If you want to escape the stress and tension of everyday life, don't hesitate and experience special and unique moments with me. As personal hygiene is very important to me, I only receive well-groomed gentlemen. I only work from Monday to Friday. You can call me on these days. If I do not answer your call immediately, please be patient. You will receive photos of me after our verbal/written exchange. I only visit by appointment. Sex is only possible WITH a condom. Don't ask for sex without protection/without a condom. I am very much looking forward to your call and to a discreet meeting with you.❤️ Love and kisses Viktoria
+41 78 212 6684
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