New Clubs FAQ Support

Girls wanted.

Pfaffnau / LU

You are at least 18 years old, committed, enjoy sex and
looking for a job in a friendly team?
Then you've come to the right place!

At Studio Hot Dreams you can combine the pleasurable with the useful
and earn good money.
We are always looking for open-minded (young) women or TS. Beginners are also welcome.
As a newcomer you will receive every form of support to help you familiarise yourself.
Calls and appointment requests will be answered by our house staff so that you can work stress-free.

We offer:
- Extensive advertising on all known erotic portals and our own website
- a free photo shoot
- free overnight accommodation
- WLAN / Wifi, TV
- Fully equipped kitchen, washing machine, tumble dryer
- Support with registration and official formalities
- best earning potential

- no bar operation!

Apply today with an informative photo.

Phone: +41 79 647 1661

+41 79 647 1661

SMS not wanted
Call WhatsApp Message Website

Gewerbe Brunnmatt 2
6264 Pfaffnau

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