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group sex party only 150.- for 2 hours with 3-4 women.

Female looking for Male
Regensdorf / ZH, SH, TG

Every day we have sex parties = gang-bang with ch or d women, sometimes also brasil. Wednesday 5. 2. open from 10 - 16. 30 hrs. 2 hrs. Only 150.- with 3 -4 women. In the evening 5 - 9 pm = 100.- with 2 women. 5. 2. is carnival sex party... We hand out vouchers and there is finger food etc. Each woman always takes several men to bed. Address :

starways party club
pumpwerkstr. 23
8105 regensdorf zurich

5th floor

at www. Starways. Ch for information and photos

kiss silvia and team

+41 76 215 7924

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Pumpwerkstrasse 23
8105 Regensdorf

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