Dear visitor, I am delighted that you have found my website and would like to welcome you to a cosy, relaxing massage. I am NUK, a hot Thai girl who would like to massage your body with her tender hands... Besides body to body, also classic massage, oil massage, classic Thai massage, health massage !!! End of the year promotion: Four hands massage with my sister ******** A visit with me will be worthwhile, enjoy spending the best part of your day with me... Call for more information and an appointment I look forward to your visit and the time we will spend together !!! Clean and discreet private house Present daily from 10-22 o'clock Prices from 100.- Please make an appointment Older gentlemen also welcome! WhatsApp +41 78 339 61 91 Call +31686064500
+41 78 339 6191
Address 6110 WolhusenSwitzerland
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