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Rooms in Zurich

Real Estate
Zürich / ZH City, AG, ZH

mature housewives/teens/grannies/ CH & D girls etc. All self-confident women are welcome!

Room to lock Internet, TV, electricity, bed linen, duvet, pillows, towels, detergent, cleaning products, kitchen with utensils

Washing machine / tumble dryer in each flat

I orientate you with the advertisement
And I register you or orientate you (for 90 days visa)
Swiss, permit b, c passport needs no registration.
New very nice rooms, TV, Wi-Fi, with official permission. Kitchen available, shower etc. Also by the hour, including laundry. Discrete parking available. I speak German, Spanish, Portuguese Italian and English. daily, weekly and monthly prices available. Sms and Whatsapp.

Habitaciones con todas las comodidades necesarias para que puedas trabajar y dormir independientemente. Te ayudo con el texto de la propaganda o pago tu propaganda a cambio de dinero en mano. Te anunzcio para que puedas tener el permiso de trabajo.

+41 76 698 3830

SMS accepted
Call WhatsApp Message

8001 Zürich

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Offers from Be Independent

Real Estate

  • TV
  • Bathtub
  • Shower
  • Towels
  • Wardrobe
  • Tumbler
  • Surveillance camera
  • Washing machine
  • WLAN

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